Saturday, February 24, 2018

ECSE 421 RB 7

This week we have been working on our Family Project. It has been fun but also a little challenging to find resources to help our family that has a child with down syndrome. I never realized all the different resources that the child and the family would need. There are so many things to consider that you don't think to consider. And then when you do figure out the resources that are needed, it is a struggle to locate and find those resources. Even in big cities, there is a lot you have to do to receive necessary services. However, it has been eye opening as to how to work with a family that has a special needs child.

Weekly Quote:

"No one tells you grieving can be a normal part in raising a child with special needs" -Katie Paulson


This week i found a blog post from the above mother, Katie Paulson, about her experience with the grief cycle since she had her son who has panhypopituitarism. She goes through each of the stages of the grief cycle and how they affected her. It was really great to read this and see what the grief cycle is like for parents who have special needs. It is okay to grieve, in fact, it is essential. She went through all the stages and finally reached acceptance and hope. It took a while, but she reached it. She understands that the saddness and anger may still come back, but she still has hope.

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