As I ponder on what we have been assigned to read and discuss in class, my mind returns back to the principle and doctrine that we are truly all God's children. He loves us so much and knows us all individually and personally. He sees in us what others and ourselves cannot see. He sees in us the potential that we have to become God's and become like Him one day, because we are His children.
As this is a SPED class and I am an early childhood special education major, and from the talks we were to read for class, I have thought a lot about those choice spirits that have the trial of being handicapped or living with special needs here in mortality. When we understand that we are all children of God and all have a divine destiny and purpose, we can then use that knowledge and understanding to love and serve those around us with special needs. We have to understand that there are people in this world that are different than us. And the Lord is deeply disappointed when we do not treat them the way that they should be treated, with love and respect just like anyone else.
As I was reading the talk, "The Moving of the Water" by Boyd K. Packer, I was struck deeply by what he was talking about and something in particular that he mentioned. He says, "now, in all of this there must be balance, for the handicapped have
responsibility to work out their own salvation. The nearer the normal
patterns of conduct and discipline apply to the handicapped, the happier
they will be". My goal in life is to be a preschool special education teacher. The Lord requires all of His children to work out their own salvation, including the handicapped. I never really knew that until I read this talk and it makes sense. But it also shows how much of a responsibility we have as being fortunate enough to not have special needs, to serve and love these people and help them work out their own salvation. They cannot do it on their own. They need those who are willing to sacrifice, teach, and help them along this path when they are not capable to do it alone considering the circumstances.
I am so excited to one day help these amazing people to progress, grow, and learn to one day make it back to their Father in Heaven. We all have the opportunity to learn, grow, and progress because it is the plan. It is why we are here on the earth in mortality with all its joys and trials. Those who are handicapped and have special needs can still learn and grow and should be included just like everyone else.